A home from home at the end of life

Our volunteers

We have considerable human capital at our disposal: a team of volunteers.

With them, we integrate the traditions of care for the dying which have been lost with the medicalization of the end of life. To this day, in many countries, the whole community participates by supporting the family and the dying during the last days and beyond. In the past, it happened here as well. This know-how exists deep within al of us and only needs to be encouraged!

Our well-trained volunteers create a community of spirit and share a holistic vision of life and death, partly developed during their training. Most of them make this engagement because they also receive something essential for their own life. The dying familiarise us with unknown territories of life's mystery.


44 MTara AWIC 3

Delicious organic vegetables are cultivated in the garden by a dedicated team of volunteers

The motivation of the volunteers is strong; expressed through reliability and responsibility. They commit themselves over a period of time, to devote a few hours a week or more to La Maison de Tara. In the interim they are easily able to recharge their batteries and not suffer from burnout. Due to the urgency of the situation for residents and families, they are acutely aware of the importance of their presence. And when they are present, they give of their best.

The volunteers belong to various professions and have accumulated multiple life experiences and skills which they bring to effective functioning of La Maison de Tara. At present they number more than 100, representing 15 different nationalities and speaking a wide range of languages.

There are regular cycles of training which enable new volunteers to join the team. For those who have completed the basic training, on going training is provided. A psychological support team is available to aid the volunteers through discussion groups or individually.

If you are interested in learning more about how to become a volunteer with La Maison de Tara contact Anne-Marie Struijk at tel. 022 348 86 66 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


About us

La Maison de Tara was founded in Geneva in 2007 as a public utility charity in the lineage of the Hospice Movement. Its goal is to provide patients and their family, with care and support during the last days of life.

Regular Donation

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Online/offline Donation

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a offline donation, please go to that page

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© Fondation La Maison de Tara,

La Maison de Tara
79, chemin de la Montagne
1224 Chêne-Bougeries

Tél : +41 (0)22 3488666
Fax : +41 (0)22 3488664