A home from home at the end of life

Our values

In order to guarantee our quality of care the values subscribed to by all the team at La Maison de Tara are the following: 

  • We engage to respect the dignity of the dying person and their near ones.  This implies responding to the specific needs of each person, including the grieving process.
  • We engage to maintain at the heart or our work a quality of presence and availability which will permit our residents and their loved ones to strengthen their own inner resources.
  • We engage to develop skills within the teams to support patients and those around them.  This implies a compassionate quality of attention in words and actions.

La Maison de Tara wishes to offer anyone who is in their last days and weeks of life, a place to live which has a family atmosphere and a ‘just like home’ quality of care.

The philosophy of La Maison de Tara can be summarised in the eloquent words of Dame Cecily Saunders, UK founder of the hospice movement and modern palliative care:

“You matter because you are you,

and you matter to the end of your life.

We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully,

but also to live until you die.’

About us

La Maison de Tara was founded in Geneva in 2007 as a public utility charity in the lineage of the Hospice Movement. Its goal is to provide patients and their family, with care and support during the last days of life.

Regular Donation

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Online/offline Donation

If you want to help "La Maison de Tara" with
a online donation, please go to that page
a offline donation, please go to that page

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© Fondation La Maison de Tara,

La Maison de Tara
79, chemin de la Montagne
1224 Chêne-Bougeries

Tél : +41 (0)22 3488666
Fax : +41 (0)22 3488664